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Health Checks

At Paddington Vet, we understand the importance of keeping your beloved pets in the best health possible. Just like humans, pets go through various life stages, and each stage requires tailored care and attention. Our comprehensive health checks are designed to ensure that your furry companions enjoy a long, vibrant, and happy life by addressing their unique needs at every age.

Dr David Pet Health Check Goodna Vet

Welcome to Paddington Vet Clinic's Health Checks Page

The Speed of Pet Aging

Did you know that pets age much faster than humans? On average, pets age between five to eight times quicker than we do. This rapid aging process means that significant changes in their health can occur in a relatively short span of time. For instance, by the age of two, most pets have already reached adulthood. By age four, they're entering middle age, and by age seven, many dogs, especially larger breeds, are considered seniors.

Guarding Against Health Challenges

As pets age, the likelihood of various health challenges increases. Conditions such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, heart disease, and other serious ailments become more prevalent with time. However, the good news is that with proper care and early intervention, these issues can often be managed or even prevented.

Extended Lifespans, Unique Needs

Modern pets are living longer lives than ever before, which means they are more likely to encounter health issues during their lifetime. This is where annual health checks play a crucial role. Our expert veterinarians can use these regular check-ups to not only diagnose and treat potential problems but also to identify issues before they escalate into life-threatening situations.

Comprehensive Care, Your Concerns

Our health checks provide more than just a diagnosis; they offer a comprehensive approach to pet care. We believe in open communication, and these appointments are the perfect opportunity for you to discuss any concerns you have about your pet's health, behaviour, or nutrition. Whether you're worried about their diet, exercise routine, or any other matter, we're here to listen and provide expert guidance.

Booking Your Pet's Health Check

Don't wait until there's a problem—take a proactive step toward your pet's well-being today. Booking a health check for your furry friend is easy. Just give us a call, and our friendly staff will assist you in scheduling an appointment with one of our experienced veterinarians.

Essential Health Screenings for Your Pet

We understand that every stage of your pet's life demands specific attention. That's why we've curated a list of vital health screenings for both dogs and cats to ensure they receive the best care possible:

For Adult Dogs and Cats (1-6 years):

  • Vaccinations

  • Parasite check

  • Heart check

  • Dental health evaluation

  • Blood test

  • Chemistry panel

  • Urinalysis

Additional Examinations for Senior Dogs (7+ years):

  • Osteoarthritis check

  • Chest radiograph

  • Thyroid check

Additional Examinations for Senior Cats (7+ years):

  • Osteoarthritis check

  • Renal disease screen

  • Thyroid check

  • Blood pressure check

At Paddington Vet, we're committed to promoting the health and happiness of your pets through every stage of their lives. Contact us today to schedule a health check and give your furry friend the gift of a longer, healthier, happier life.

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